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About Shadey Attachments
Our Story
An engineer with a mind that’s permanently in overdrive, my better half is constantly mocking my crazy ideas as I look for innovative solutions to any and every problem. Whilst tanning beside a pool in Tenerife and sipping on a Pina Colada an idea sprung to mind, this idea was the first she didn’t roll her eyes at; we were on to a winner!

Early Days
“Dos cervezas por favor”, we began sketching ideas at our pool bar whilst observing (and maybe laughing) at other holiday makers getting themselves into all sorts of uncomfortable positions, just to try and see their phone in the sun. It was clear a problem existed that we can all relate to.
Bringing Shadey to Life
The rest you could say is history. We teamed up with a professional design company, Simple Design Works who immediately ‘got us’. They shared our vision, understood the design objective and were able to engineer/produce the quality drawings we required to manufacture our products.
The quest for a reasonably priced product took us on a trip to China with a list of manufacturers to explore. Amongst riding the Bullet train, sampling chicken feet and experiencing the craziest Christmas lights display we partnered with a reputable company based on their strong ethics and care for their employees.
Check out our Chinese Blog or head over to for our case study.

All Systems Go
Despite the setback of the Covid-19 pandemic we’re ready to roll. 30,000+ components have been delivered and the Shadeys are being assembled as we speak. We’ve come a long way and we’re immensely proud to finally deliver our products to market, helping everyone use any electronic device, from phone to kindle, in the most comfortable relaxing way in the sun.